What’s next for Constitutional Amendments?

Web event on Ratification of Constitutional Amendments

With the General Conference a fading memory, many United Methodists may not realize another critical step in legislation is coming up next year.

General Conference passed several constitutional amendments that must be ratified at Annual Conference Sessions worldwide. Every United Methodist Church has a vote on these proposals.

To help you, your church, and your conference prepare, WMJM is hosting a web event to help people understand the voting process, who can vote on ratification, how the votes are counted, how this conversation is happening around the globe, and how you can have an impact, even if you are not a voting member of your annual conference.

Join others around the Western Jurisdiction and the globe on October 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time (6:30 Mountain) to hear updates on Regionalization and other areas with a variety of speakers from general agencies, central conferences, and the Western Jurisdiction. Register now and mark your calendar!

In this community conversation we will look at the upcoming amendments being brought on regionalization, gender and racial equality.

We will also look at the process for ratification, and what can happen at the local church and annual conference level to support the measures. Important to that conversation is the ongoing conversation on Central Conferences, especially in Africa. United Methodists in the United States need to be aware of these conversations and how the community of United Methodist is impacted.


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