Webinar: Protecting Sacred Land

Lisjan Village - East Oakland Wadi Foquin - Palestine

Thursday, October 24, 2024 

10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Palestine 

Pre-Registration Required - Here

As of this writing, Israel, with full U.S. support, has expanded the year long genocide in Gaza into regional warfare now involving Lebanon and Iran.  In the meantime, sacred land for indigenous Palestinians is threatened by increased settler colonialism. History reminds us that settler colonial takeover of indigenous land is accompanied by military warfare and weaponization of religious dogma.  Natives indigenous to Turtle Island have experienced this historical reality, yet have also sustained a spirituality to reclaim and protect sacred land guided by ancestors who lift up values honoring the beauty of Creation and all of the Creator's blessed creatures. 

On March 12, 2024, by action of the City of Berkeley City Council, the Sogorea Te Land Trust reclaimed 2.2 acres of Ohlone land where historic ancestral shell mounds were located.  West Berkeley Shellmound site to return to Indigenous stewardship » Shellmound

In this one hour webinar we will hear stories of protecting sacred land from two different parts of the world, yet connected together by Spirit..... 

Corrina Gould, Co-Director of the Sogorea Te Land Trust and Tribal spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan will speak about their historic victory, lessons learned, and the spiritual grounding that has sustained their efforts and inspired their dreams for the rematriation of sacred land.  Corrina will also underscore why spiritual solidarity with indigenous Palestinians is significant at this moment in time. 

Fahmi Manasra is a professional tour guide and steward of a family farm in the village of Wadi Foquin located in the Bethlehem District of the West Bank.  He is currently protecting sacred land from settler colonialism.. During the Olive Harvest season, he will share stories about the history of his village, their relationship to the land, as well as the apartheid practices and colonial tools which threaten their future existence. 


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